The Best Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin With Pigmentation

If your oily skin looks blotchy, red, uneven, or marked with dark spots, you're probably looking at pigmentation. Caused by an overproduction of melanin (the pigment that gives skin its colour), pigmentation is super common and mostly harmless - but it can really put a damper on your dreams of flawless skin. The good news? There are many answers for how to get rid of pigmentation, even if you have oily skin. One way is through your skincare routine.

What does oily skin with pigmentation need?

Look for products that calm, decongest and balance. At the same time, they should deliver brightening extracts to encourage a more even skin tone. In some cases, pigmentation may be caused by a medical condition. It’s a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting a skin care routine for hyperpigmentation.

What skincare ingredients are best for oily skin with pigmentation?

Vinanza® Grape & Kiwi

In clinical trials, this antioxidant compound has been shown to help improve the appearance of skin by targeting redness and pigmentation*. It gets these powerful abilities from sauvignon blanc grape seeds, which are high in polyphenolic antioxidants, as well as skin from the Vitamin C-rich kiwifruit. It’s one of the best ingredients to have on your shelf when you’re wondering how to treat hyperpigmentation.


Good bacteria can help to calm skin by balancing the microbiome and enhancing the skin barrier. Calm skin may result in less redness, which is why probiotics should be part of any skin care routine for hyperpigmentation. Look for those which can be applied topically, such as in a moisturiser for oily skin.

Manuka honey

This world-famous New Zealand superfood is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. That means it helps to promote a calmer, clearer, blemish-free complexion. Its ability to soothe spots make it essential in any skincare routine for oily skin.

The Best Products For Hyperpigmentation & Oily Skin

Cleanser: Juliet ANTI-BLEMISH Gel Cleanser

A skin care routine for hyperpigmentation should start with a brightening cleanser. For oily skin, Juliet is true love. Manuka honey contributes to a blemish-free complexion while antioxidant-rich Vinanza® Grape & Kiwi helps foster brighter skin.

How to use: Massage this cleanser for oily skin into face and neck with circular motions before rinsing with warm water.

Mask: Halo Skin-Brightening Facial Mud Mask

This certified vegan mud mask contains brightening extracts. That makes it one of the best products for hyperpigmentation and one of the best face masks for oily skin. Mineral-rich mud binds to excess oil while peony flower and Vinanza® Grape & Kiwi address uneven skin tone.

How to use: Apply thick layers all over your face, avoiding the eyes, nose, and mouth. Leave on until nearly dry (about 10-15 minutes) before rinsing with warm water and a soft washcloth.

Moisturiser: Culture Probiotic Night Recovery Water Cream

It can be hard to choose a night moisturiser for oily skin that doesn’t lead to a greasy mess by morning. Probiotic water creams are an excellent choice because they contain good bacteria. This helps to balance the skin’s pH levels and control excess oil for healthy looking skin.

Culture joins our list as one of the best products for hyperpigmentation, too. That's because it features Kalibiome AGE Probiotic, which is shown to help reduce redness**.

How to use: Apply generously before bed as the final step in your skincare routine for oily skin.